A black and white drawing of a church on a bridge over a stream.
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Laura Duggan Videos - Medford History

Annually, we sponsor Sarah Bradlee Fulton Day in Medford at the Salem

Street Burying Ground. The next one will be Saturday, October 19th, 2024, with a “Rain Place” at Medford City Hall, 10 AM to 1:30 PM. Sarah

Bradlee Fulton was Medford’s Revolutionary War heroine and is buried at

the Salem Street Burying Ground. See “Fulton Facts” (include pictures from pst SBF Days.)

Laura Duggan's TV Shows

Mrs Duggan's Writings.  Click on the image to open the PDF

A piece of paper with a rainbow background on it.
A piece of paper with a rainbow background and a bunch of text on it.
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